How do I find RTSP Link for my cameras-Techage's Security
To access your cameras' Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) links, you need to locate the specific URL that allows you to stream the live video feed. The process may vary depending on the camera model and the software or interface you are using. In this section, we will provide general steps to help you find the RTSP link for your cameras.
This information is specifically applicable to Techage cameras that operate using the xmeye and icsee apps.(Eseecloud camera do not support rtsp.)
RTSP URL for Techage Xmeye and iCSee cameras
RTSP URL for VLC media Player : rtsp://$(IP):$(PORT)/user=$(USER)&password=$(PWD)&channel=$(Channel)&stream=$(Stream).sdp?real_stream Example : rtsp:// Q: What’re the ports information of the cameras ? F: ONVIF 2.0 Port 8899 ;RTSP Port 554 ;HTTP Port 80;Media Port 34567
Если Камера Eseecloud не поддерживает rtsp, то как еще можно организовать гостевой доступ через интернет к просмотру изображения с камеры через web браузер? Кнопка поделится из приложения eseecloud дает такой результат, но посмотреть нельзя
How can I get stream url for IPC-BT512SW-10 ?
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