Wie finde ich NVR-Versionsinformationen?
11 May 2023
26 Kommentare
Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste und wählen Sie Hauptmenü---Erweitert---Version

26 Kommentare
Would you please send me the latest firmware.
I have NVR Techage TA-6708K V4.03.R11.H7280233.12201.140000.0000001
I cannot connect more than 4 channels, although it has 8 channels
Thank you!
Возможно, вы могли бы отправить прошивку или ссылку на систему: v4.03.r11.h7280233.12201.140000.0000001
Hello. I want to update my NVR.
Firmware: V4.03.R11.H7280233.12201.140000.0000001
Build date: 26-09-2022
Serial: 1564a601d460461cptd7
Plz send me a link for the update.
Would you please send me the latest firmware. I have
Send me the ilnk on rhe newest firmware then V4.03.R11.H7280202.12201.140000.0000001
Thank you!